Friday, October 3, 2014


Samsung Mocks Apple 'Bendgate' in Galaxy Note 4 Ad 

 Samsung Mocks Apple '/bendgate' in Galaxy Note 4 Ad  

Samsung is using Apple's latest PR snafu to champion the Galaxy Note 4.
In a new advertisement, the Korean tech giant takes aim at "Bendgate," the unintentional curving of Cupertino's iPhone 6 Plus while in the owner's pocket.
Apple said the issue is "extremely rare," and claims the 5.5-inch phone went through rigorous testing, including 3-point bending and pressure point cycling.
But, as Samsung's ad points out, our hips are stronger than we think, and when combined with a pants pocket, can do more damage than expected. Just look at your wallet or credit card after an extended stay in your trousers.

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