Friday, August 12, 2016

The web *seems* scarier than ever. Is it?

@jordanr1000 explains #QuickTake via @undefined. State-sponsored cyberwarriors are infiltrating nuclear power plants and blackmailingmultinational companies. Hacking gangs are breaking in to ATMs. Safety advocates arehijacking cars wirelessly — taking control of steering and brakes from drivers — as a warning about onboard vulnerabilities. Has the Internet ever seemed scarier? Maybe not, but wait. Yes, elite professionals are finding ingenious ways to gain entry to government, industrial and financial networks. Cybersecurity lapses have left some companies shockingly exposed. Still, when it comes to everyday security — of bank accounts and credit cards — the good guys actually have the upper hand.[...]

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LinkedIn users targeted by hacking group

LinkedIn users targeted by hacking group with fake job offers via @SiliconANGLE